Five Minute Thursday: Mentor

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Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself”.

(Oprah Winfrey)

The Walk into the Future blog is back and will give the Five-Minute Thursday prompt another run.

I was surprised to hear from multiple readers who enjoyed the concept and what I put out during my first run with this prompt.  Will get a few more topics in with this format.

My second prompt for Five Minute Thursday is:  Mentor.

I have been blessed with great mentors in my professional life.  These folks have each provided me with guidance and showed me the correct way to move forward in life.  Deborah Friendly mentored me at my first Air Force duty station in Fort Worth, Texas.  Tony Greene picked me up when I went to Japan the first time.  I connected with Rich Gardner in San Antonio while stationed at Randolph Air Force Base.  The interesting thing about these mentors is they were all from Florida—just like me.  Funny how people cross your path—three of my first mentors were from my home state but I met them in other states and countries.  Life is interesting!

I’m still in contact with these three folks and appreciate the knowledge they shared with me.

The mentor I will write about today is Jan McIntosh.  He was a Chief Master Sergeant and the top enlisted Personnel Manager in the Air Force.  He oversaw Personnel (HR) operations for every Air Force Base in the world.  I knew the Chief by name but had no idea he knew me or anything about me.

I met him during my time as an Air Force Instructor at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi.  I was one of two instructors charged with training computer analysts on a new personnel database that was being integrated Air Force wide.  We built the course in record time and then had to train analysts worldwide to ensure operational integrity throughout the Air Force.

Chief McIntosh watched me teach a few sessions and then pulled me to the side and gave me the most important piece of advice I ever received.  He asked me if I wanted to know the key to success and I said, of course.  He told me the secret to success in life was:  Be where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing, when you are supposed to be doing it.  A very simple concept but I put this advice into action after he shared it with me, and things really started taking off for me. 

Doors started opening for me because I put this simple concept into action.  Promotions, better work assignments, financial wellbeing, better health outcomes, and improved relationships all came my way by utilizing this advice.

I use the knowledge Chief McIntosh gave me in 1997 to this day and share with all my tree branches.  I also use this information in my work environment to lead my teams—yes, I share these same words with everyone on my team to show them how easy life can be if we get out of our way.

Interesting fact—the advice Chief McIntosh gave me was the ONLY conversation we have ever had.  I never saw him or spoke with him again, but I leverage his wisdom daily and consider him one of my best mentors.  He came into my life at a time when I needed his knowledge, and he shared it with me freely. 

Which mentor impacted your life the most?


“Your mentors in life are important, choose them wisely”.

(Bill Walsh)

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