Poetic Flow / Drive

cars ahead on road
Photo by Taras Makarenko on Pexels.com


Keep moving ahead

The dreams you dream are all in front of you

The actions you take

The dedication you display

The time you take

To chart the course

All come down to the drive you have

To seek your dreams and then to fulfill those dreams

Drive your success by allowing your dreams to come true

Poetic Flow / Fallacy


(Image by lolame from Pixabay.com)

The fallacy of today is tomorrow will be a better day

Regardless of what the hope will be

There are things we will not see

The motivation of circumstance

Will keep all searching for their chance

Improving daily

But what chances should be taken?


Waxing Poetic!

Poetry December 2021

Thinking of you

Thoughts of you crossed my mind today

Seems like you just stopped by to say hey

Maybe this was your way to let me know everything will be okay

Either way, it was great for you to drop in

Because I have really missed my friend

Don’t stay away so long

Thoughts of you make me smile

The Wonder Years

art artistic blank page book
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

My how the time flies

When you look back and wonder

How did we get here?

When did that happen?

The promise that was promised

Had diminished over time

And left the wonder of why

And can the path be adjusted

To fulfill the destiny of the wonder

That was first wondered by me

Waxing Poetic!



Black Lives Matter you say

Is that real or just a cliché?

Cannot believe we have to scream this everyday

Just to be heard, seen, and protected

From the brutal society trying to stamp us out

The daily body counts continue to rise

With no end in sight, we fall

Does not matter if it is a southern thing

Northern thing or western thing

Black lives continue to be extinguished

With no end in sight

So, I ask again, do Black Lives Matter?

When will you step up to make this true?

Simply saying it with no action makes it a hollow cliché

Something woke to say?

Time for action, some type of display

Marching is fine but there cannot be additional delay

Let us put more meaning to Black Lives Matter

Do it today!

Poetic Flow



Nothing ventured

Nothing gained

The glory we need

Must be maintained

Seeking the knowledge

Becomes a daily challenge

To continue to learn and grow

To make today better than yesterday

Seeking the future glory

The goal remains the same

Make the world a better place

And remember to say the names

(George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery)

Why wait until tomorrow?


Tomorrow is not promised

But the promise of tomorrow leads the way

To ensure every effort today

Is made without delay

Waiting for tomorrow

Shortchanges things you can get done in the present moment

Wasting opportunity and precious time

To find the pot of gold you deserve

Start using your time today

To find your path to a better tomorrow

The Poetry of Life

Poetry of Life

(Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The poetry of life moves me forward

Towards the things that bring

The happiness I need

To fulfill these huge dreams that I dream

Reaching out to help the next man

Create and work towards a plan

That makes the world a better place

And one that stands to improve your stake in the race

Let the poetry of life flow

And discover the glow

Of the poetic peace of living the life designed for you

Poetic Friday

Dream Weaver

Be careful what you dream

Because sometimes dreams do come true

So, what’s the problem you may ask?

The dream you dream may in fact not be for you

Life provides opportunities for you to reach your goals

The key to this process is to know the correct path to follow

Look beyond tomorrow

Search for the things you need

Use this knowledge and your dreams to succeed

Poetic Friday

(Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay)

The storm

Round and round it goes

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow

There are days it feels like a merry-go-round

Others, things are more controlled

The depth changes at times like the wind

A howling force that seeks attention

Then the calm, as the eye of the storm hovers overhead

No attention seeking, just the process of moving forward

What has this level of depth and speed?

It is simple, the life you lead

Jayla's Thoughts On

INSTAGRAM: @jayla_brianna

Retrospective Lily

Reflections on Faith, Disability & Life

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