Negril Jamaica 2024 (In Pictures)

“Wah gwaan!”

Wah gwaan (what’s up?) is a friendly way to greet people while in Negril.  The common saying is an easy way to integrate within the Jamaican way of life and make instant friends.

Mi deh yah (I’m doing well) is the most common way to respond to Wah gwaan.

Made my annual trek back down to Negril over spring break for some sun, fun, rum, and reggae.  This year I went down for complete relaxation and to enjoy the Irie vibes.

I hit my normal food and music spots to maximize my time in Jamaica but made sure I finished reading the two books I had in my book bag.

Love Negril, irie vibes, reggae, and great food when I’m there.

Here are some pictures from my latest visit:

Day 1


Day 2

Day 3


Where are you planning to visit this year?


2023 WordPress Stats

blog blocks wallpaper
Photo by Miguel u00c1. Padriu00f1u00e1n on

“I made a decision to write for my readers, not try to find more readers for my writing”.

(Seth Godin)

Love this quote as it reflects my original thoughts when I started the Walk into The Future blog back in 2018.

My intent has always been to create content others would want to read but not seek out followers for the blog.  Some of you are stuck with me because we grew up together, so happy to have you along for this journey.  Others have found my writing via WordPress based on my content and/or topics presented.

I’m happy to have you here regardless of how/why you read my thoughts—appreciate the company on this life I live.

WordPress provides authors with daily, monthly, and yearly statistics directly on my dashboard.  I’m able to identify when my work is viewed in another country and my reach continues to expand.  Again, not driven by this but it is nice to see someone in Spain or India has read my latest blog post.  Not sure how I attract folks so far away, but it feels great and inspired me to write a bit more and with more substance.

My 2023 stats can be viewed here:

I’m back in the writing lab working on new topics and adventures I will begin sharing next week.  I am also entering the busy portion of my racing schedule so there will be race recaps to include my 2023 Palm Beaches Marathon experience and the next BIG race on my 2024 schedule.  Hint—I got accepted into the Chicago Marathon.  This is exciting news for me and will be the largest run event I will participate in.  Thanks to Orlando Track Shack and the global running impact of this organization—it helped me get into the Chicago Marathon.

Big things coming in 2024—stay tune! LOL.


“Do or do not.  There is no try”.


House updates


“Home is the nicest word there is”.

(Laura Ingalls Wilder)

The Walk into the Future adventures continue to move forward daily.

I closed on my townhouse in Fort Pierce back in May.  This was something I wanted to do when I first moved here but things and conditions did not align for me.  Things happen for a reason and in due time—a bit cliché I know but this fits my home buying journey.

I looked for a townhouse to purchase for a little over two years but did not get serious with a real estate agent until Summer 2022.  We looked in several areas, but I never got comfortable with prices and/or locations during the early stages.  We kept moving forward with the search and the prices started to come back down in early 2023.  Worked with my agent to hone into a more detailed search and we began viewing townhouses that fit my stated budget and in areas I wanted to live in.

Found my townhouse less than three miles from where I was living in Fort Pierce.  This was a bit ironic because I looked in a lot of other areas but never checked out my own neighborhood.

We made an offer within a week and accepted the small counter offer the following week.  Things went quickly once we made the offer, and my agent guided me through the process, and I felt comfortable the entire time.  Fast forward and we closed in the early part of May, and I was suddenly a homeowner again.  My apartment lease was not due to expire until October but there was a provision in the lease that would allow me out early with a one-time penalty.  This was a welcomed provision since I did not have to rush my move and this extra time allowed me to make some upgrades.


The living area in the townhouse came with tile floors.  This was a nice look for the property but both bedrooms and closets had carpet.  I’m not a fan of carpet and knew this was going to be removed before I moved in.  My realtor connected me with several flooring specialists so I could get quotes to pull up the carpet and install wood laminate floors.  Wanted to get this upgrade completed before moving into the townhouse.  My flooring guy provided me with a ton of samples to choose from and we agreed on floor color, date of installation and pricing.  Took him two days to complete the flooring overhaul and the new look made the place feel bigger and I didn’t have to worry about what the old owners left in the carpet.


The best time to paint is prior to moving in with furniture.  Decided to change the paint scheme throughout the townhouse to brighten it a bit and put my touches on the new place.  Got painter recommendations from friends and interviewed two painters.  Selected my painter and headed to Home Depot to pick out my paint.  The townhouse came with a black accent wall—yes, you read that correctly.  There was no way I was keeping the black accent wall.  LOL.  Picked out a nice and refreshing blue paint for the NEW accent wall and a natural (sand) color for the rest of the townhouse.  Left the paint with the painter and got out of his way to upgrade the paint scheme for me. 


This move-in provided me with an opportunity for a complete reboot of the inside.  Purchased the townhouse with appliances but wanted to start fresh.  My realtor shared that Home Depot has fantastic appliance sales in conjunction with the 4th of July holiday.  I thought she was overstating the sale, but it turns out Home Depot appliance sale is just as great as she stated.  Decided to purchase a complete kitchen package and remove the old appliances prior to my official move-in.  My new appliances are all under the same warranty and should provide me with years of enjoyment.


My original plan was to enter the townhouse with all the furniture I owned.  Quickly determined my new place required a furniture upgrade to make it feel complete.  My TV console was fine in my old apartment but was too small for the larger space of the townhouse.  Also, my dining room table was adequate for the apartment but did not fit the style or feel of my new place.  Made a trip to City Furniture and Rooms 2 Go to begin the process of figuring out what I wanted for the new place.  Rooms 2 Go had a better selection that fit me so made my large purchases there.  The bonus was the free delivery they offer.  Still looking to upgrade some of my shelves but very happy with my new furniture and how it looks in the townhouse.

I still have a few more home modifications I want to make in the bathrooms but happy with my progress so far.  The townhouse is slowly becoming home for me.  Enjoy having a place of my own to come back to after work or a road trip.

What makes your house a home?


“A house is made of bricks and beams.  A home is made of hopes and dreams”.


My Reading Progress

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies…The man who never reads lives only one”.

(George R. R. Martin)

My Walk into the Future provides me with the flexibility to add new adventures daily.  I continue to view this life I lead to engage my mind, body, and soul.  This blog gives me a space to highlight what I am doing, thinking, or getting ready to accomplish. 

Goal setting remains a huge part of my success in life, and I look for ways to leverage my goals to help me continue to move forward.  I review my goals daily to ensure my energy and focus are consistent to meet or exceed them.

I set reading goals each year in January with intent to read something daily.  My daily readings center around Proverbs and a few companion books by Joel Osteen.  I started reading Proverbs daily when I lived in Warner Robins, Georgia and this Atomic Habit remains strong.  Joel Osteen created a 31-day Proverbs companion book which I utilize when completing my daily Proverbs readings.  This little book has helped me understand more and brings Proverbs to life with language for my current Walk into the Future.

My larger reading goal is to read 1 book monthly.  There were years where I would be super aggressive with this goal but decided to create a reading goal that provides me an opportunity to stay on track.  Please note, just because it says 1 book monthly does not mean I can’t read more, and I do.  I am an avid reader and love to sit on the beach with a good book and cold beer to practice this hobby.  My love for reading started in middle school and it has not slowed down except when my schedule gets in the way. 

The books I select range from leadership, communication, and inspiration topics.  These are topics of interest for me so stick to areas I seek growth.  I have a couple friends who inquire about my reading selections and have started to read the same books—you can say we have an informal book club going.  We discuss the books after everyone has completed them and look for ways to incorporate the content into life and the work environment. This little book club motivates me to stay on track and focus on my reading.  It has also provided me with access to books I may have missed on my own.  I tend to stick to authors I know but the book club expands my focus and challenges me to explore other authors to enhance my Walk into the Future.

The following books were referred by book club members:

  • Disruptive Thinking / TD Jakes
  • Wisdom of the Bullfrog / Admiral William H. McRaven
  • 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication:  Apply Them and Make the Most of your Message / John C. Maxwell

FYI—this was my first TD Jakes book, and I was pleasantly surprised by the content and enjoyed reading his thoughts on Disruptive Thinking.  It is something we can all practice daily, but it was great gaining new insights on how to move forward in life daily. 

I have read multiple books by Admiral McRaven and his wisdom comes through within the context of leadership and helping teams get better.

Lastly, John Maxwell communication strategies can be leveraged in most work settings and enhance overall operations for the team.

I am on pace to meet my stated reading goals and continue to seek additional books to add to my library.  This will continue and help me to Walk into the Future.

How are you doing on meeting your goals?  What books are you reading in 2023?


Marathon training

Marathon training

(Image by CoupleStyle from Pixabay)

My marathon training program begins again next week.  Decided to stick with the 18-week training program I used last year.  This program provides a gradual mileage build-up and allows me flexibility to train and still get normal life activities completed.

The 2023 Palm Beaches Marathon will provide another mental and physical test for me to continue to challenge myself to get better daily.  I feel like a veteran this time around since I got my initial marathon under my belt last year.  I’m excited for the opportunity to train and improve my race outcome this year.  There were several lessons from 2022 that will help me with my journey this year.

Exercise bike

I mistakenly believed I could replace running miles with miles on my exercise bike.  Numerically the miles are equal but there is a difference between hard work on an exercise bike and outside miles in Florida.  There is a time and place for the exercise bike, but I will not lean on this form of training as much as I did in 2022.

Speed work

I concentrated on building up my mileage base in 2022 but not as much on speed work.  I did several sessions on the local track to work on tempo and speed but know I will need to work pace runs in more this year.  My training plan has several tempo runs inserted and I will do a better job of following the pace days as outlined.  The tempo runs will help me convert my physical fitness into a better race day pace.

Heat and humidity

My weekday training runs were completed with 5 am training sessions.  I started my runs at 5 am to beat the heat and completed them prior to my workday during the week.  My weekend runs started around 7:30 am to get out and back before the south Florida heat kicked in.  This was a solid plan, but I did not log many miles in the heat of the day.  Sounds like a smart training plan but the second half of the Palm Beaches Marathon is run in direct sunlight with minimal shade.  It was not overly hot in December, but the sun was on me from the 18-mile marker until the end of the marathon.  I did not handle this part of the race well since I avoided running in/with the sun during my training phase.  I will SMARTLY look for ways to incorporate more training to leverage the south Florida heat and humidity to enhance my training program.

Here’s the 18-week training program I will launch next week:

Marathon Training

I will document my training progress again this year with updates on how I’m doing with mileage, nutrition, and thoughts.  Excited to Walk into the Future again and tackle the 2023 Palm Beaches Marathon.  Looking to run substantially faster than 2022 and cross the finish line again with a smile on my face.


1,300 in 2022


If you don’t know where you’re going, you will probably end up somewhere else”.

(Lawrence J. Peter)

I start each year by creating a set of goals for myself to ensure I continue to Walk into the Future.

Past years I created a goal to run a set number of miles during the year (example:  1,000 miles) but decided to eliminate this practice and concentrate on run quality instead of quantity. 

My 2022 run goals centered around 3 quality runs weekly without the shadow of a set number of miles as the goal.  I always found myself singularly focused on the end number instead of the impact each run had towards my goal and fitness level.  Mentally I was always chasing a number I made up in January and that was not always a fun activity.

Fast forward and the 1,312 training miles I completed in 2022 is the most yearly mileage I have ever completed.  Launching my full marathon training program in July helped me clock miles but I was well on my way toward a mileage personal record (PR).  The marathon training process highlighted I needed to add training sessions and mileage to fully embrace the run challenge of a full marathon. 

I routinely ran 3 days a week prior to my marathon training program and needed a 4th day to continue to build my mileage base.  I also needed to create a true run plan to identify the targeted mileage for each session.

Prior to 2022 I would just go out for a run and then determine how far I wanted to go during that session.  Running in 2022 forced me to lay out a detailed weekly training program to identify how far I would run during each session.  I know this sounds simple and I’m sure most folks do this, but my running program had structure but needed more focus to get me to the start line for the Palm Beaches marathon.  I discovered putting a number on the training session (3 miles on Tuesday, 5 miles on Wednesday, 8 miles on Thursday, 10 miles on Saturday) made me hit my mile markers each session.  Anything less than what I projected left me looking for ways to get my miles in.  Weekly mileage numbers were critical to my running success in 2022.

Mile by mile, day by day allowed me to top 1,300 miles in 2022.  I’m sure I could have surpassed that number if I put more focus on the mileage for each session prior to July 2022. 

My 2023 run goal is to run 4 days weekly (25 – 30 miles total) with one day dedicated to speed work.  I am registered for 10 races for 2023 with a combination of 5ks, 10ks and half marathons.  I don’t know if I will tackle another full marathon in 2023 or ever but never say never.  I will let my weekly running sessions determine how many total miles I run in 2023.  Excited to track my progress and growth as I expand my running base and test myself with road work.

What goals do you have for 2023?

FYI:  Clocked 127 miles in January 2023! 😊


“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time”.

(Zig Ziglar)

Oviedo Get Away

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

(Lao Tzu)

My Walk into the Future allows me to discover adventures large and small.  There are some weeks when I lay low and stay local and others when I get the urge to just get up and go.

Well, needed a bit of adventure in my life so decided to get up and go and make a circuitous route back to one of my favorite places Oviedo, Florida.  I spent 4 years in Oviedo when I worked at the University of Central Florida and still enjoy getting back over there when possible.  It has grown from a sleepy little town east of Orlando into a traffic heavy little town.  The urban spawl is real there.

I did not have a dedicated plan when I headed over, just wanted to see a few sights and enjoy being back in Oviedo.  I knew I could take advantage of the running trails as I continue to work towards my first full marathon.


The Orlando outlet malls are not close to Oviedo so that’s why I described my adventure as circuitous.  Most folks know I love outlet mall shopping and will stop anytime I can get close.  The Orlando outlets are huge and provide access to name brand companies with the idea of good prices.  Some of the outlet stores are running sales and clearance specials, so the prices are even better now.

 I focus on Nike, Timberland, GAP, and Columbia stores when I’m in Orlando.  I added the Cole Haan outlet store to my rotation on this trip.  I have been in the store in the past but never really took the time to see everything they offered.  There were a lot of shoes marked down and these prices got better by joining the Cole Haan club (it’s free).  Just needed to provide my cell number and I was signed up to receive additional discounts while shopping.  Picked up a new pair of Cole Haan shoes on this trip and look forward to getting back for more deals soon.

Made my way down to the Nike and Columbia stores to find additional bargains.  My hope was to upgrade my hiking boots prior to my trip to Asheville but could not find anything I liked on this trip.  I have enough sneakers, so my Nike visit was to look for new running gear.  I picked up a few items in Nike and made my way over to Oviedo.

Seminole Cross Trail

I was able to leverage the Seminole Cross Trail again to complete one of my long training runs.  The trail provides 20+ miles of multi-purpose access for runners, bikers, and walkers.  This trail makes my long run process easier since I don’t have to figure out where and how I will hit a specific mile number (5 miles, 10 miles, etc.) since the trail is well maintained with mile markers easy to spot.  Needed to get a 10-mile run in while in Oviedo and was able to hit my mileage with plenty of shade to cover me during the run. 

Bob Marley’s

Bob Marley’s at Universal Orlando City Walk has been a favorite stop for me over the years. 

It’s a unique venue to listen to live reggae music and catch an irie vibe.  Some of the bands I have heard there over the years rival some of the best reggae artists in Negril.  Always thought that was amazing considering the musical talent that resides in Jamaica.  COVID-19 still influences the venue—it is mostly a dining place with a live band playing while patrons are eating.  Prior to COVID-19 this was the spot in Orlando to listen and dance to reggae music.  People came from all over the country to experience this venue and hear some world class musicians.

The music during my recent visit was still outstanding but most of the folks just sat at the dinner table and rocked their heads from time to time.  No dancing or excitement from the patrons but they appeared to enjoy the food while there.

I stayed for an hour or so and decided to call it a night—happy to get a chance to listen to live reggae again.

Finish off the adventure the next day at the local Costco to stock up on household items.  Made my way back down to Fort Pierce to get ready for the work week.

Quick little getaway but made sure to maximize my time while away.  LOL.

Where do you go for a quick getaway?


“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet”.

(Rachel Wolchin)

2022 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Conference


The 2022 NACE Conference was held in Portland, Oregon this year.  This was our first in-person conference since 2019 and there was a lot of excited and anxious people in attendance.  Safety protocols were taken to keep us safe, but you can never truly feel safe with over 1,700 people in attendance.

I have been a member of NACE for the past 15 years and have continued to look for ways to expand my role within the organization.  I have served in multiple roles which have allowed me to grow a network with professionals across the world.

I am currently finishing up my role as a Co-Chair for the Mentorship Enhancement Task Force.  I received a phone call from the incoming NACE President in July 2021 to talk about the task force and the importance he placed on mentorship.  He asked me to Co-Chair this critical task force and work to revamp the program and increase awareness/participation for NACE members.

Fast forward to the NACE conference in Portland and my task force was provided a session to discuss the work we have been doing for the past 12 months and highlight the improvements we recommend to the Board of Directors.

I have attended past NACE conferences in Anaheim, Chicago, New Orleans, Dallas, and Orlando but this was my first opportunity to present to my colleagues.  We were given a prime slot on the second day of the conference to present our work and recruit new mentors into the program. 

My Co-Chair who is based out of St. Louis, Missouri and I spent multiple Microsoft Teams virtual sessions going over the presentation format, slides, and flow.  We decided to give a big overview of the program changes and then jump into a panel discussion with current NACE mentors and mentees to get their perspective on the impact of mentoring for each of them.

We soon discovered the NACE conference committee booked our session in the LARGEST room at the event.  We had no preconceived perspective on how many people would attend our session, but we did not imagine we could fill every seat in this large space.  NOTE—we did not get close to filling all seats. 😊

No worries!  We had a very good crowd, and the folks were able to get a more personal touch from my co-chair and I.  These folks were able to ask the panelist questions and we had on the spot sign-ups for new mentors and mentees.

We shared the work of the task force and identified our strategies and marketing plans to create a world class mentoring program.

The new program will have 3 mentoring layers:

  • 1 on 1 mentoring (traditional)
  • Reverse mentoring (new)
  • Mentoring Circles (new)

Mentoring research identifies Reverse mentoring and Mentoring Circles are unique ways to increase mentoring awareness and participation.  We discussed the benefits of each mentoring model and introduced the software we recommended to match mentors with mentees.  The current matching process is manual and does not consider the demographics of the mentor or mentee.  This software matching process was a big hit with the NACE board and folks in attendance during our session.

The marketing plan will utilize all social media platforms and the NACE website to promote the changes and encourage NACE members to join the program. 

I was excited to see the NACE President, David Ong in attendance during our session.  This was his pet project for the year, and he was extremely happy with our progress and excited to roll out the new program to the general membership.

David gave us a by-name shoutout during the general session late that day to thank us for the work we put in over the year.  This was the highlight of the conference for me and got more members wanting to discuss the mentoring program and to sign up.  I walked around with sign-up sheets for the rest of the conference and got many mentors and mentees signed up.

My official Co-Chair role ends on 7/15/2022 but we still must complete one more project before our term ends.  I have decided to take a year off from serving on another NACE committee or task force.  This was my second national commitment to the career field in the past two years—time to take a small break and concentrate on my local duties. 

I plan to get back into the national work of our career field in 2023 by either serving on another committee/task force or taking a larger step up to become a NACE Board Member.  This would provide me with additional leverage within the career field as we set policy to keep us relevant.

Yes, I’m still dreaming big! 😊

My 2023 conference travel plans will be less than this year.  The 2023 conference will be held in Lake Buena Vista (Disney World) so I do not have to endure another 7 hours of traveling.  My travel time over to Disney World will be just over an hour and I don’t have to worry about flight layovers in Salt Lake City or Minneapolis. 

Look forward to getting the band back together next year.


2022 Rock N Roll Atlantic City


“Don’t dream of winning, train for it”.

(Mo Farrah)

The 2022 Atlantic City Rock N Roll Half Marathon has been in focus for me for the entire year.  I targeted this race since I have never run there before, and the course was described as completely flat.  I wanted to visit the famed boardwalk and see how my training translated to the course.

Another exciting aspect of running this race was the opportunity to see my tree branch, Lauren Apgar again.  Lauren has been a tree branch since our time in the Florida State University’s Career Center.  We were able to connect during the 2019 Philadelphia Rock N Roll Half Marathon and I have not seen her since due to COVID-19.  Atlantic City provided an opportunity for us to reconnect and for me to finally meet Reese, her boyfriend.

I signed up for the 2022 Atlantic City Rock N Roll Half Marathon back in June 2021 so had this destination on the running tourist calendar for a while. 

I normally fly on Southwest Airlines, but they do not have flights directly into Atlantic City.  Flying Southwest Airlines required me to fly into Philadelphia and then drive an hour plus over to Atlantic City.   Took a chance and viewed flight options on Expedia and discovered direct flights on Spirit Airlines to Atlantic City from Orlando.  The price point for the roundtrip flight was less than a one-way ticket to Philly on Southwest Airlines so Spirit became my airline of choice for this trip.  I did not know much about Spirit, but the experience was great for me start to finish.

I flew into Atlantic City on Friday with designs to get use to the area and catch up with Lauren prior to the race on Sunday.  My hotel was in Egg Harbor Township which is only 8 miles away from the famed Atlantic City board walk and race start line.  Note: I will stay much closer in 2023.

Met Lauren and Reese at Chickie’s and Pete’s which is a local sports bar in the area.  Lauren picked this location for us to help with the carb loading process and catch up for missed time.  It was great to sit with her and talk about family, friends, and professional growth.  The three of us were able to enjoy some good food, beer, and the reunion.

AC Lauren Reese

This was Lauren’s first Rock N Roll race experience so wanted to make sure she got the most out of the experience.  We agreed to meet at the Atlantic City Convention Center for the EXPO the next morning.  I was surprised to see outlet stores downtown as I drove into the heart of the city.  I knew there would be casinos, but the outlet stores put a smile on my face since I love shopping outlets.

Lauren, Reese, and I entered the EXPO to check in for the race and visit with the vendors.  We were able to navigate the check-in process and make our way to the vendors to check out new equipment, gadgets, and nutritional products.

The first vendor we encountered provided free sessions using the NORMATEK leg compression sleeves.  We were able to plug in and enjoy the technology to increase blood flow and relax before race day.  The 20-minute session was a highlight of the EXPO—I will have to research these sleeves more and invest in a set soon since my running program is ramping up for the Fall 2022 race season.


We made our way through the EXPO, and I got additional CEP leg compression sleeves.  Decided this new color pattern would be a good addition to my collection. 

A new feature for this EXPO was gaming tables that were setup to allow participants to try blackjack, roulette, and craps games.  Race participants received a $100 coupon to play during the EXPO and we made our way to the roulette table.  My favorite number is 15 so played that continually while at the roulette table.  I was able to hit 15 once which pays 36 to 1 odds.  I was excited to add chips to my growing stack.  A few others won as well, and this is where it got interesting.  We all assumed we were playing for prizes (water bottle, towel, etc.) but the dealer let us know we were just playing for fun.  Most of us went all in with our chips after discovering we were playing just to say we were playing—no money, no prizes, and no glory.  😊

Left the roulette table and got some energy gels before heading out for lunch.

Got the customary EXPO shots most of you expect:


Made our way to Wingcraft Kitchen and Beer Bar for lunch.  This restaurant was conveniently across the street from the Convention Center.  They have a very nice menu but settled on wings, fries, and beer to continue the carb loading process.  Hit the Nike and Gap outlet stores after lunch to pick up some sales before heading back to the hotel for a quick nap.

Had a pasta dinner at Jerry Longo’s which is inside Bally’s casino.  Headed back to the hotel to rest up for the big race.

The forecast called for rain and fog most of the weekend and it was spot on.  Woke up on race day to thick fog which equals a certain level of humidity.  The temperature was in the mid-50s when I woke up, but the fog made it feels a bit warmer—not Florida warm but not exactly what I envisioned for New Jersey in April.

I was able to park and catch the shuttle bus to the start line with minimal issues and met Lauren at the start line prior.  Lauren told me on Friday she planned to run with me, and we began to work on our race strategy.  I told her my normal routine of running water stop to water stop and to take on fuel throughout the race.  This also helps mentally break the half marathon distance into chunks instead of viewing it as one long race.

My plan was to run a smart tactical race and get us to the finish line while enjoying the process of racing.  Mission accomplished!

Lauren and I ran the entire race together.  I am extremely proud of her effort and perseverance during the race.  She was able to set a Personal Record (PR) and took two full minutes off her best time.  We crossed the finish line together, but she officially beat me by three seconds based on official times—congrats my friend!

Our race splits are below:

Mile 1:  9:28 / Mile 2: 9:35 / Mile 3: 9:26 / Mile 4: 9:52 / Mile 5: 9:32 / Mile 6: 10:29 / Mile 7: 10:10 / Mile 8:  9:53 / Mile 9: 11:14 / Mile 10: 10:59 / Mile 11: 10:48 / Mile 12: 11:33 / Mile 13: 10:38 / Mile 14: 1:56

We celebrated with pictures, beer, and breakfast on the board walk! This was a great course, EXPO, and race experience—so good, I have already signed up for the 2023 race.

I plan to stay closer to the boardwalk next year so I can enjoy the entertainment and shopping more.  Looks like Lauren will be coming back as well so we can get her another PR! 😊

Well done, Lauren!


“The man who moves mountains begins by carrying small stones”.


1000 North Jupiter, Florida

1000 North

“The smell of the ocean never gets old”.


I am always searching for new adventures and ways to leverage my Walk into the Future journey.

Most of my Florida exploits are centered around me heading north to familiar locations:  Jasper, Jacksonville, Orlando, Melbourne, and Tallahassee.  I have never been a huge south Florida fan, so it never crosses my mind to explore locations down there except when outlet malls are involved.  I love outlet malls! 😊

Decided to get out of my travel comfort zone and venture south to explore Jupiter, Florida last weekend.  I always heard great things about Jupiter but never made a true effort to visit the area to see what it truly had to offer.  The reports about this area are all true; the city of Jupiter and the beaches are well worth a trip down there.

Google maps identified Jupiter was only a 58-minute drive down I-95 from Fort Pierce, so it is extremely close to me so no real excuses for never going there.  Got up early on Saturday morning with the intent of driving down and enjoying a day of dining, sightseeing, and walking on the beach.  Mission accomplished on all phases of my plan.

1000 North

A good friend in south Florida recommended the 1000 North restaurant as a place to get some great food, people watch and catch nice water views.  I never heard about this place, but it turns out to be a very popular spot in Jupiter.  It has a diverse ownership group that includes Michael Jordan and several other well-known professional athletes.  Did not know this fact until I got there and saw the setup.  Nothing over the top but they only have complimentary valet parking—a nice feature but not something I am used to.

There are multiple dining areas to include a members only private dining room.  I stayed downstairs with the regular folks and got a seat outside with a great view of the marina.  The atmosphere was fantastic and got an opportunity to people watch.  There were several large groups outside and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and the great location. 

The menu provided an eclectic selection, but I decided to get the grilled chicken club with sweet potato fries.  Never had a fried egg on a club sandwich but it was a very good addition to the sandwich.  I would get this again on a return trip to 1000 North.

Left 1000 North with the intent to explore the famed Jupiter beaches.  Made a quick 5-minute drive east from the restaurant and I was at the beach.  It was cool by Florida weather standards, but the beach was crowded with folks.  Got a chance to walk the beach for a bit and get some great pictures to document my exploration for the day.  I did not bring my beach chair or towel, so my walk was the activity for the day.  I will make my way back to Jupiter beach so I can enjoy a full day at the beach and relax. 


My trip to Jupiter put me about 20 minutes away from the Palm Beach Outlet mall.  I could not miss an opportunity for outlet shopping so made my way south.  I did not need anything but that’s not the point—there are always good deals at the outlets, so it is never a wasted trip.

Hit the Nike store first looking for new running gear.  The Nike store is extremely small, so the selection was limited I did not pick up anything during this visit.  Visited the Columbia store and added to my t-shirt collection here.  Walked around a bit more and visited a few more shops before calling it a day and heading back to Fort Pierce.

Nice little day trip for me to add to my Walk into the Future journal.  I look forward to heading back down soon for a longer beach adventure.

What areas will you explore this summer?


“In Florida we salt margaritas, not sidewalks”.


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